Count, King & Robber Carcassonne Expansion

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Count, King & Robber Carcassonne Expansion available from Board Game ExtrasThe 6th expansion to Carcassonne introduces new elements to the gameplay, which may be familiar to those that have previously played various expansion packs:

  • Count – helps players take over section that are under another player’s control. This is essentially the Count of Carcassone expansion re-packaged.
  • King – awards the player who completes the largest city. This is similar to the Largest Army bonus points in Settlers of Catan where you get 2 bonus points.
  • Robber – awards the player who completes the longest road. This is also similar to Settlers of Catan for the Longest Road bonus points where you get 2 bonus points as well.
  • River 2 – introduces a new twist to the river element at the beginning of the game where the winding river splits into two. This is essentially the River II expansion repackaged.
  • Heretics & Shrines – introduce heretics who challenge the monks to score points. This is essentially the Cult expansion repackaged as well.

This will require the original board game to be able to use this expansion pack.

Looking to extend the fun with friends? Available to buy here


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