Scourges of the Wastes Figure Pack for the Lord of the Rings Journeys in Middle Eart

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Scourges of the Wastes Figure Pack is a small figure set to add to the Spreading war expansion for the Lord of the Rings Journeys in Middle Earth.  it can be used with both the Spreading War campaign and the Poison Prmoise downloadable campaign.
Here are the three other figures needed to get the full experience of this wonderful game. As usual they are beautifully made ready for painting and adding to your wonderful choice in your packs of awesome figures that you already have from your base game and expansions. Some people send out the figures to others on the internet if they do not feel confident in painting them there selves or if they don’t have a steady hand when it comes to painting or if they don’t have time, others revel in the relaxing sitting down and peacefully painting away for hours. The new figures are Eadris, Lord Angon and the Witch King of Angmar.
There are also six role Skill cards and five item cards included in this pack to add to your already amazing choice.