Marvel Champions Age of Apocalypse expansion

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This is an Expansion that we have long been waiting for, the future battles of the X-Men and any adventurous friends that may choose to join them for the heavy battles that are coming their way against the dreadful bad guy that is Apocalypse andĀ hisĀ evil team.

This is another giant expansion with 271 cards adding to make this a battle to remember, will you be able to beat the Age of Apocalypses team which includes Unus, War, Famine, Dark Beast and of course Apocalypse or will you fail the whole of both Mutant and Human kind. You are given two new (to the game) X=Men to help you, which are Magik (Illyana Rasputin, sister to Poitr or Colussus as he is better known) and Lucas Bishop.

These are very powerful X-Men. with Bishops energy absorption and inate leadership abilities. He also has a number of useful allys including X-23 and Randall. Majiks has a wide variety of powers She also gets to use the top card of the deck as if it were part of her hand and at a discount. Seh can also call on allys such as Goldballs to deal more damage. Upgrtades include blood rage. These two are very formidable indeed, yet another great addition to your team.

This is a great expansion to have added on and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. and you can order it at: