Carcassonne Expansion 6 Count, King and Robber

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Earn bonus points with the new King and Robber pieces in this Carcassonne expansion, Carcassonne Expansion 6: Count, King and Robber.

This compilation contains:

  • 7 tiles out of Carcassonne: King & Scout (the tiles extending Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers are not included)
  • Carcassonne: The Count of Carcassonne
  • Carcassonne: The River II
  • Carcassonne: The Cult

Choose to rule the city or patrol the roads and gain bonus points with the new king and robber tiles. Only a king can rule a large city. Grow your city and claim the king tile for bonus points. Explore the roads instead and claim the bonus points for the longest road with the robber tile. The city belongs to the king, but the roads are the robber’s domain.

The Cult expansion allows you to place shrines and challenge monasteries.  In normal play the Shrines work the same as monasteries in that you score for each adjacent tile.  However, if you place one adjacent to a monastery you then start a race to the finish.  The first player to complete their shrine/monastery scores as normal, however, the other player scores NO points even if they manage to complete their monastery/shrine at a later date. Meanwhile The River 2 allows you to vary the starting River’s flow with new tiles including a T junction piece so you can split the river in 2.

Two large city tiles let you start the game with the eponymous city itself. The mysterious count oversees the city of Carcassonne, patrolling the main areas of the city: the castle, the market, the blacksmith and the cathedral. Free trapped followers or block other followers with the count’s movement around the city.