Marvel Novel Legends of Asgard Sword of Surtur

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This is another novel in the Marvel Legends of Asgard series. This one follows Tyr the god of War as he realises that he is jealous of his younger half brother Thor, who is having adventures and winning the approval of their Father. Due to an earlier heroic occasion where he helps subdue Fenris he has lost a hand, he now feels the loss has lessend his standing with his Father. So he decides to go on a quest to steal thesword of Surtur from Surtur himself.
Surtur is the fiery being who will bring Ragnarok to Asgard. Tyr decides to go on this perilous quest and is joined by loyal Bjorn Wolfbane and Lorelai. You get the chance to join them on this quest to see if they will be victorious, die, start a war or Start Ragnarok early.

This is yet another great book and you can order it at: