In this blog we take a look at both the Iceman and the Jubilee hero packs for Marvel Champions card game.

Bobby Drake whose full name is Robert Louis Drake has been an X-Man since 1963 and was born in Tipano New York. He discovered his abilities when he was a young teen but decided to keep it a secret from all but his parents. Thenone night out with a hopeful date a bully causes a problem and he freezes him. The local towns people become a mob and the local sheriff had to put Bobby in his local jail to protect him,
While in there the wall blows through and Scott Summers walks in and asks Bobby to join his team. Bobby freaks out and has a fight with Cyclops (Scott) Professor Charles Xavier apears and stops them fighting and then takes him home and talks with Bobby and his parents and they decide that Bobby will join him at the School.
Iceman is quite a powerful attacker with many abilities he will be a major plus for any team. Including his Frostbite upgrades that can slow down the enemies’ movements. Meanwhile the enemy is the bizarre and terrifying Sauron.
Jubliee is also known as Jubilation lee. I first came accross her in the Cartoon from the 90’s, where as she actually appeared in the graphic novels in the late 80’s. She can produce pyrotechnic display’s from her hands (how 80’s) and had Wolverine as her Father figure with whom she had many exciting adventures.
In fact Wolverine is a main part of her team cards and when she changes to her alta ego he heals her for three points. later she lost her powers at Genotia and then became a vampire, she was eventualy cured of her vampireism and got her powers back from a shard of Pheonix power.
With her attacks she can momentarily blind her enemies leaving an opening for one of her team mates to swoop in and get them (Usualy knocking them out) She works well with Wolverine as his deadly attacks work better if the enemy can’t see him coming.
You can order both of these at: