Nightcrawler or Kurt Wagner is one of the X-Men and one of the most interesting at that. He first appeared in 1975 in Giant Sized X-Men #1and was created by writer Len Wien and artist Dace Cockrum. He has the ability to disapear and reapear a litttle distance away with a small pop sound and the smell of brimstone. His look is somewhat different as well as he has two toed feet and three toed hands he also has the ability to stick to items with both his hands and his feet, with magenta fur that can make him hard to see in the back groud he does also look demonic he also has a prehensile tail, he has flexibility and he has night vision, which is interesting as he is a devout Catholic. As a person he will help anyone who needs it as he has a big heart.

In the game Nightcrawler’s ability to teleport in and out of dangeroues situations allows him to avoid damage from enemy attacks. One of his protection upgrades, Under Control, can be attached toa minion and Nightcralelr’s naturally high DEF can be used to prevent all damage from that attack and then swing back and counter. The change of fortune

The bonus modular encounter set in this pack features the Crazy-Gang. Who are led by the Queen of Hearts, They have nasty When Revealed abilities which allow them to re-deal themselves as encounter cards allowing them to trigger their abilities again and again. The terrifiying Executioner for example attacks the friendly character with the fewest hit points and if they defeat an ally then the ally is removed from the game! If he can scheme against you then the Crazt Gang side scheme allows him to come back again as another encounter card allowing him to swing his axe again at your allies.
Nightcrawler likes swashbuckling films and also swashbuckling in life. He is a deadly foe to have and an amazing friend to own. As part of your team he has little to go against him and all that there can be to back him. You can order him at: https://www.bgextras.co.uk/marvel-champions/marvel-champions-hero-wave-8-the-age-of-apocalypse/marvel-champions-the-card-game-nightcrawler-hero-pack