This expansion adds a lot of extra choice to the game. It adds more farm tiles, more carving tiles, more recruit tiles and more development tiles, these add a lot more variety and more choice in your game as well as adding a lot more to the playability of the game. One nice thing is that once you’ve removed the redundant components such as the old frames, you will find everything fits in the base game box, so no need to take a second box with you.

This expansion adds a larger choice of hive mats which also change the way you play the game in a small way, this is I think a very good thing as you have to think more about how you are going to use the new tile bonuses that you have on each of the new tiles placements.

Also added are more dance tiles, which gives even more choice and opportunities to advance your game and of course more enjoyment in your play. You do get reprints for two of your factions but you also get a new faction as well, While you also get two new reprints for the recuits but you also get four new recruits at the same time. you also have a reprint for of the the explore tiles and 4 new explore tiles to sdd on as well.

As I mentioned earlier the old frame tiles are redundant. These have been replaced by more exciting ones each one giving you different bonuses depending on where you build more tiles. Some have bonuses on all the hexes, while others just one or two places for bonuses.
This feels like quite an important expansion which adds so much to an already amazing game. I highly recomend getting this expansion as it adds so much to the game. You can order it at: https://www.bgextras.co.uk/other-games/apiary/apiary-expanding-the-hive