Quacks of Quedlinburg

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This is a great game that can be used as either a short fun game with friends or play several fun games in an event of epic proportions.
I have played this game on a number of occations with a number of different groups and have always had such fun times while doing so. 
You are a group of Doctors and quack Surgeons brewing your concoctions to get more ingredients to add to your bag without busting your bank in doing so. can you get enough of the right kind of ingredient to achieve your maximum goal or will you go bust and  not only not find the cure for the bad feet smell but now have caused even more of a stink while trying to do so.
While you start with just a few chips in your bag, as the game progresses you can buy different coloured chips that have different rules associated with them.  One thing that greatly increases the replayability of this game is that you can chhoose from two different rule cards for some of the colour chips so each game can have slightly different rules. 
You have to ask yourself are you a true Doctor or are you just a major Quack wannabe? You have the chance to make your character the best doctor in town or if you over extend to far the biggest losser.
This is a fun Game that I have not yet found someone who has not enjoying it.   You all have the same choice of ingredients, it is just what you will make of it!   You can order this from us at: https://www.bgextras.co.uk/quacks-of-quedlinburg/the-quacks-of-quedlinburg/the-quacks-of-quedlinburg-base-game