Doctor Who Nemesis

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If you love Doctor Who and would love to play as a villain then this game would suit you.  Doctor Who Nemesis is for 2-4 players and the game play is between 60 – 90 minutes.  And even though there are a lot of rules in the rule book – once you start playing it does make sense and play smoothly.  You choose one of the 4 main villains from the show – the Daleks, Weeping Angels, Cybermen or the Master.   Each villain has 2 sides to their play board and you choose which one to play.  You then build your deck with the cards for your general villain, the specific villain from your play board and the 2 random Doctors you are allocated.

The player board has 4 locations – each with different actions you can play on your turn.  However, you cannot stay in 1 location for 2 goes in a row – you must always move your location.  So you have to plan the different actions you want to play over several turns.  However, if people adds one of their cards (villains or Doctors) to a location this usually means you can only do 1 of those spaces, and if you move there you have to resolve any conflict there before you can do any actions there. 

There are a number of steps in each turn, and the first couple of turns you may want to refer to the rule book, but once you get going you do get into a rhythm with all the steps. 

You win by either completing one your personal win conditions, or one from any of the doctors played by anyone.  This mechanic means you need to pay attention closely to what everyone else is doing and all the different win conditions on the table.

It has, understandably, been compared to the Villainous games; You do play as the bad guys, and you do have to pay attention to what other people are doing, but I feel there is more interaction between players and it feels like it is more complicated in it’s game play. 

Overall, I did enjoy this game – but I do think Doctor Who fans will get more out of the game and understand the nuances of the characters more.  You can order it at: