A mysterious accident causes your plane to crash onto an uncharted island…and then you resort to cannibalism way too fast.
Following a mysterious plane crash, you are part of a group of survivors who have washed up on the shores of a desert island. You must pool your resources and build a raft big enough for everyone to escape, but the food supply is low and your mental resolve is waning. The more you struggle to survive, the more the other survivors begin to look delicious to you…
Players play cards to gather resources for the group – adding food, sanity, and wood for the raft. Unfortunately, food is scarce and people are edible. Trials will be held to choose the survivor to sacrifice his or her life – or sometimes a knife fight will determine the person being eaten. For the survivors, this means a loss of sanity, but it also means their raft need not be as large!
However, those that are eaten, come back as ghosts and exact revenge upon the survivors trying to keep them on the island before their sanity runs out or no one is left to build the raft.
Can the team of survivors get off the island before the team of ghosts stop them? Available here.